woensdag 21 december 2011

Teeth: cavity remedy ?!

When Sarah's husband first noticed the deep crater on the side their son's lateral incisor tooth, the couple immediately decided to call the dentist and schedule an appointment to have it filled. Though familiar with nutritional protocols for healing tooth cavities naturally, Sarah and her husband decided that the cavity was too severe, and that the best course of action was to have it filled as soon as possible in order to prevent it from rotting completely.

But since the first available appointment was scheduled for several weeks out, Sarah decided to instruct her son to go through with the natural tooth healing protocol anyway. This included him daily consuming raw butter and honey on two pieces of toast, and supplementing with a teaspoon of fermented cod liver oil and three capsules of butter oil.

According to Sarah's account, her son had already been eating tahini and honey on toast every day, as well as consuming cod liver oil. But she decided to simply switch out his tahini for raw butter, and add butter oil to his daily dose of fermented cod liver oil, a synergistic combination long-hailed by Dr. Weston A. Price as a highly-therapeutic nutritional healing treatment.

However, just one day before her son's appointment, Sarah received a call from the dentist's office notifying her that the dentist had to make a sudden out-of-town trip, and that the appointment would have to be rescheduled another few weeks out. So Sarah's son continued the raw butter and butter oil routine during that time and, to make a long story short, saw his cavity vanish completely.

This amazing healing story is an inspiration because of its simplicity -- what could be easier than eating fresh raw butter and taking a little bit of oil every day? It is also a testament to the amazing healing power of natural foods.

To read Sarah's entire story, and to learn more about healing oils and foods, visit:


Cod liver oil >
Cod liver oil is a nutritional supplement derived from liver of cod fish. It has high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, and very high levels of vitamin A and vitamin D. It is widely taken to ease the symptoms of arthritis and for other health benefits. It was once commonly given to children, because the high levels of vitamin D in cod liver oil have been shown to prevent rickets and other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.[1]

superfoods - like cod liver oil - are so powerful they were recognized for their incredible healing abilities throughout many traditional societies around the world. This ancient wisdom was passed down to preserve the health and longevity of each new generation. Yet in recent decades we have managed to squander this wisdom, replacing traditional health foods like cod liver oil with synthetic supplements that can't come close to providing the healing power of a true superfood.


Butter oil > (Ghee) is simply a must in the pantry of any Traditional Cook. Butter oil or clarified butter as it is also known, has been used for thousands of years by Indian cultures for cooking. In fact, traces of ghee have been found on fragments of Indian pottery dating as far back as 6500 BC!
Dr. Weston A. Price discovered that butter oil, when taken along with cod liver oil, works synergistically to super charge the powerful immune boosting effects. Dr. Price always carried a flask of cod liver oil and another of butter oil to the bedside of very ill patients and more often than not, was able to revive them with a few drops of each under the tongue. Using cod liver oil or butter oil separately did not have the same deadbed reviving effects.

How to Make Ghee (Butter Oil)

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