zondag 19 februari 2012

We Come From The Future - Ian MacKenzie

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” – Carl Jung
APOCALYPTICISM is an actual word. According to Wikipedia, it is “the religious belief that there will be an apocalypse, a term which originally referred to a revelation of God’s will, but now usually refers to belief that the world will come to an end time very soon, even within one’s own lifetime.”
The idea that “the world will end” is not limited to fire and brimstone. Various New Agers believe that 2012 will result in an alignment of the galactic something or other, fulfilling theHopi prophecy of the Blue Kachina and the reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles…and stuff…then we will enter a golden age. Sound familiar?
Darin Drda, author of The Four Global Truths, writes:
Although they speak different languages, both tell the same story: the fate of life on Earth will be determined by forces beyond humanity’s control. This idea strikes me as a very dangerous one, certain to accelerate our collective journey down the road to ruin. What’s more, it doesn’t jive with the powerful and paradigm-shifting insight of 20th century physics that reality is participatory.
In 2011, TIME magazine dubbed “The Protestor” Person of the Year, their cover emblazoned with a shrouded figure peering out from behind a kerchief. I believe the more accurate label would have been “The Participant” – to reflect the global awakening that is gaining steam around the globe. From the streets of Cairo, to the towers of Wall St, asCharles Eisenstein intoned “We the people are awakening and we will not go back to sleep.”
The true definition of ‘apocalypse’ is more akin to ‘the lifting of the veil.’ What has long been hidden shall be revealed. Is it possible to understand this potential, and how to apply it, without falling victim to the aforementioned ‘isms of divine destruction, collapse, or extraterrestrial saviours?
Daniel Pinchbeck points the way in his book 2012: The Return of Queztalcoatl. He suggests we are being called to participate in a shift in human consciousness, catalyzed by the crises that appear to be culminating in this age.
“Right now, we are being forced to witness the shadow of the psyche projected into material form through systemic misuse of technology, biospheric destruction, and corrupt geopolitics based on entrenched egotism and greed. [...]
Like the coiled arms of the galaxy, the development of consciousness appears to follow a spiral, sidereal motion, represented by the archetypal symbol of the mandala, which is universal in sacred art.
Whether found in dreams or wheat fields, mandalas symbolize stages in a psychic process – the helical approach of the psyche toward integration of the ego and the self or higher self, through the difficult work of illuminating the dark matter within the unconscious.”
The dark matter of our unconscious has created the human world we inhabit, including the crises that we appear unable to solve. Our old story of the Self, that we are “isolated beings in an indifferent universe” (and all it’s variations), is breaking down, because in fact, it was never objectively real in the first place. It was constructed by our level of consciousness.
The new consciousness struggles to be born.
The Occupy Movement seemingly embodied this desire to participate one again, erupting onto the collective stage late last year. And yet, even as creative direct-actions continue, many camps are struggling with the old patterns of Separation – the idea that to change the world we must apply Force. If only we could exert enough pressure on the “bad” elements of our society, we can keep humanity’s innate greed and destruction at bay.
But that’s not enough.
Spiritual teacher Thomas Hübl, in a fascinating interview from early on in the Occupations, said “Most of the people want to change fully, but they don’t want to engage fully, because it confronts your life and the depths of who you are,” says . “When people are confronted to make a shift in their consciousness, they stay with the [old patterns].”
This is why the current Occupations are embroiled in conflict. The repressed trauma and old wounds of Separation have now found an outlet, and any attempts to stifle them, even in the name of achieving organizational unity, will meet more resistance.
Thomas continues:
It cannot be a movement that is against something. Most movements that are against something are stuck being against. And they are not for something better. And you need to have more people that are for something better. For the light, not against the structure.
Around awake people, more awakening will happen. Awakening is spiral. If you spend time with someone who is more awake than you, then chances are your consciousness will be elevated. And if through your practice, you manage to stabilize your consciousness at this level it will become your reality as well.
What is needed at this time is those who can hold a global awareness. People who are grounded, that are literally coming from the future. They look the same, but they are motivated from a different place. If you are coming from the future, and you embody this, then the future will manifest around you.
This future ‘global awareness’ unfolds from the consciousness of the Connected Self.
Darin Drda explains:
We are not, as the old guard preaches, feeble and passive observers of a fixed, objective order or cogs in a giant, lifeless machine. Nor are we, as the new guard intones, the all-powerful masters of our own destiny, capable of instantly conjuring anything we want out of pixie dust and wishful thinking. We are co-creative participants in a great cosmic adventure, the outcome of which must always remain unknown.
In summary: consciousness creates our world. Our current story is now breaking down, an inevitable conclusion to the unconscious shadows we have collectively repressed. The Apocalypse is about uncovering/reintegrating our projections, essentially forcing us: not to evolve, but to make a CHOICE to evolve.
This choice is crucial. Without choice, we are merely pawns of fate, adrift in an indifferent cosmos.
Instead, we are called to embody this new consciousness, not as an opinion, but as a lived relationship with ourselves and the Other. While we can only do this on an individual level, we need other “awakened beings” to hold us at this higher note until we can stabilize – and then help others do the same.
This is the true meaning of the apt quoted maxim “Be the change you want to see in the world.” We must literally BE from the future – retrieving a higher order of self that does not recreate the past. We must resist the death throes of our old institutions, even while we flow towards our new ones. We must bow humbly to our ancestors and their echoes of pain, include the injustice of the present, and embrace the uncertainty of our Great Transition.
If this sounds ambitious, consider the words of Arundhati Roy:
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”


Born as kings

Born as kings,

Raised as slaves.

With one foot in the river of life,

One foot in the grave.

Our invironment is getting warmer

As the hearts of men grow colder,

We forgot about our souls

and because of our ignorance,

we sold her.

Not to the devil but to our fellow men.

now we need to see our soul

and release it from its chaines

and because we sold it to our fellow man, we can

born with the blood of kings in our vaines

we need this world to change !

The cracked jar

An Indian legend tells of a man who carried water to his village every day, in two large jars tied to the ends of a wooden pole, which he balanced on his back.
One of the jars was older than the other, and had some small cracks; every time the man covered the distance to his house, half of the water was lost.
The younger jar was always very proud of its performance, safe in the knowledge that it was up to the mission it had been made for, while the other jar was mortified with shame at only fulfilling half of its allotted task.
It was so ashamed that one day, while the man got ready to fetch water from the well, it decided to speak to him:
– I want to apologize, but because of the many years of service, you are only able to deliver half of my load, and quench half of the thirst which awaits you at your home.
The man smiled, and said:
– When we return, observe carefully the path.
And so it did. And the jar noticed that, on its side, many flowers and plants grew.
– See how nature is more lovely on your side? – commented the man. – I always knew you were cracked, and decided to make use of this fact.
‘I planted flowers and vegetables, and you have always watered them.
‘I have picked many roses to decorate my house with, I have fed my children with lettuce, cabbage and onions.
‘If you were not as you are, how could I have done that?
“All of us, at some point, grow old and start to acquire other qualities. We can always make the most of each one of these new qualities and obtain a good result.”
From the Blog of paolo Coelho:

vrijdag 17 februari 2012

Banker Occupied Europe and America

Money power rules. Across Europe and America, governments follow banker diktats. They demand economies and people suffer to assure they're paid.

Money power in private hands and democracy can't co-exist. It buys what it wants at the expense of government of, by and for the people. It never was and isn't now.

Wall Street and major European banks usurped unprecedented money making power. With complicit politicians, they make it the old fashioned way. They steal it.

As a result, ordinary people are harmed. They've lost jobs, homes, savings, and futures to let privileged elites get richer and more powerful at their expense.

At issue is banking giants controlling money, credit and debt for private enrichment. Used lawlessly, they bribe politicians to pass business friendly laws and turn a blind eye to massive fraud, abuse, and grand theft.

Greece is the epicenter of Europe's crisis. It's being strip-mined of all material wealth. It's life force is being drained to pay bankers. Its citizens face destitution and neoserfdom with no rights. Democracy's just a figure of speech. In its birthplace, it no longer exists.

Attorney Dimitri Lascaris has family in Greece. His sister's letter explained harm times there, saying:

In fall 2009, their family income declined. Their carpentry business only works sporadically. Customers with outstanding balances can't pay. They prioritize other obligations like food, rent, mortgages, water, electricity and health insurance, etc.

"Slowly, cash has become more and more scarce for our customers, and therefore for us."

In 2012, empty stores with rent signs are everywhere. Businesses still operating feature sales with 50 - 70% discounts. Once crowded markets became "deserted urban centers."

"Suicides, drug abuse, prostitution, and crime have infiltrated village life....Other friends of ours have died of heart attacks, stressed to the limit by debt, or worse, the loss of their cars, homes," and livelihoods.

Businesses have to beg customers to pay something, anything "because food or heat in the dead of winter has become an issue for us....We are all now at the mercy of anyone with money at hand to help our family survive, let alone aspire to a better life."

The same scenario threatens Europe, especially in troubled Eurozone countries and Latvia

where wages were slashed 30% and people haven't enough to live on.

The more pounds of flesh extracted, the less able economies can grow. Greeks must either leave or rebel. The alternative's letting politicians and bankers bleed them dry. There's no in between, and what's happening there's heading for Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and eventually all Europe, Britain, and America.

Class war rages. Western society futures face high unemployment, poverty, less government help, low pay for employed workers, few if any benefits, and higher prices for basic services like food, healthcare, transportation, electricity, heating oil, and water.

Households with below subsistence incomes will be hard-pressed to survive, and governments don't care enough to help. They're extracting maximum wealth to pay bankers and force austerity when stimulus is needed to create jobs and growth.

At the same time, while the Fed and ECB can print money, they can't create wealth by letting bankers use it for speculation, greater consolidation, and big bonuses.

Greece is ground zero, a poster child for destructive economic/political policy. Austerity destroys growth. Its depression level exceeds the worst of America's 1930s.

Government then created jobs. In Greece, they're vanishing and with them the ability to survive. Moreover, bankers impose impossible demands. New ones add greater burdens. At issue, of course, is bleeding Greece dry en route to entirely destroying its economy and people.

Despite contracting nearly 20% since 2007, former senior World Bank official Uri Dasash expects further decline to 30%. No matter, EU/IMF/ECB Troika bandits demand continued wealth extraction until bled dry Greece collapses. Then expect greater pillage elsewhere.

America's future looks no better. Around $2.2 trillion in deficit cuts are mandated post-

November 2012. Expect weak economic conditions to worsen en route to greater trouble when another $4 trillion in cuts are made.

Progressive Radio News Hour regular/economist Jack Rasmus says downturns only reverse two ways - by reflating economies stimulatively or liquidating bad assets.

Since crisis conditions began in late 2007, Fed policy struck out. Instead of stimulating growth, it gave bankers trillions of dollars, bought their toxic debt at near full purchase price (instead of around 15 cents on the dollar), and fueled global speculation.

Moreover, instead of liquidating bad debt, banks were rescued by lavish funding even though they're technically insolvent. Toxic debt's still there, and the public's on the hook for amounts the Fed bought.

As a result, the public sector's fragile like banks, says Rasmus. People are paying for their losses. Greece is the epicenter of global pillage, but it's heading across Europe toward America and will arrive with a bang.

A Final Comment

Obama's proposed budget imposes hundreds of billions in social spending cuts at the worst possible time. It adds another $638 billion to already agreed on $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years.

Medicare and Medicaid are hardest hit. Obama wants another $360 billion cut besides earlier reductions. Healthcare providers will be most impacted. As a result, fewer doctors and hospitals will treat patients for payments not covering their opportunity and out-of-pocket costs.

Another $278 billion less over 10 years is earmarked from other domestic programs. Those mostly affected include federal worker pensions, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (private pension insurer), farm programs, and Postal Service being readied for privatization at

higher costs and less service.

Obama officials claim his proposal's designed to create jobs, expand public services, and make America's rich pay their fair share. In fact, expect few job gains, and those created mostly low wage/low benefit temp or part-time ones because most higher paying full-time ones went offshore.

As a result, ordinary people face greater burdens. Retirees, the disabled, and poor households are hardest hit, and proposed tax increases on America's rich either won't pass Congress or will be largely offset by new loopholes.

In addition, alleged defense cuts won't happen as long as imperial wars rage and proposed Pentagon Middle East/East Asia expansions proceed as planned.

Overall, Obama's budget combines greater pain for ordinary people with business as usual for Wall Street, war profiteers, other corporate favorites, and America's rich.

At the same time, debt reduction's more smoke and mirrors than real. Expect annual increases to outpace cuts as far ahead as can be projected.

On February 15, bipartisan complicity agreed on sharply reduced jobless benefits duration. Long-term unemployed Americans will be harder pressed to survive. More on the deal below.

On February 15, a New York Times editorial headlined, "A Rare Deal," leaving unexplained what matters most. Instead it claimed:

"The agreement is imperfect but sound. It will help struggling Americans and the struggling economy. It is also a political win for Democrats and" Obama. Republicans dropped their demand to offset concessions with comparable spending cuts.

Times editors never miss a chance to praise Obama instead of opposing his destructive/harmful policies and proposals.

Formerly, jobless benefits ran 99 weeks. Now they're 73 weeks in states with unemployment levels above 9%. Only 14 states qualify. Duration elsewhere drops to 63 weeks. As a result,

unemployed workers lose 30% of their benefits when most needed.

Moreover, they'll have to provide more proof they're actively seeking work, and states will be able to impose drug tests. At the same time, federal workers pension program costs will increase to offset continuing unemployment benefit programs.

Obama's plan comes at a time America's headline 8.3% unemployment rate masks the real 22.5% figure. It includes discouraged, marginally attached, and other workers without jobs long-term, as well as those wanting full-time jobs forced into part-time/temp ones. It also excludes up to 48,000 falsely created monthly jobs based on new business birth-death ratio

calculations at a time accurate measures show losses, not gains.

Whatever's finally enacted, expect poverty levels to rise. Already, around half of US households earn below subsistence incomes or border it, according to US Census figures. New cuts will push many more over the line to greater hunger, homelessness and despair.

Obama, most congressional Democrats, and Republicans serve America's aristocracy at the expense of popular needs gone begging.

Planned cuts will force greater than ever burdens on households struggling to get by. As a result, the worst's yet to come.

Forewarned is forearmed. The mother of all struggle's needed to change things. It requires activism, not wishing, to get results.

Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=29357

The breast cancer hoax revealed


The breast cancer hoax revealed

(NaturalNews) It's alarming how a growing number of young women are getting diagnosed with breast cancer - every year - throughout the world! But, there's more to this story than meets the eye - no thanks to the "controlled reality" of conventional media outlets.

Click Here to learn more about the breast cancer hoaxby watching our short video or

Copy and paste the link below to watch "The Breast Cancer Hoax revealed" on tv.NaturalNews:

Did you know there is a tremendous amount of little known (suppressed) scientific research proving that woman can significantly reduce their risk of breast cancer and many other chronic diseases through natural therapies? In fact, there are literally thousands of medically documented and scientifically proven (natural) ways to cut your risk for disease.

Eating the right foods; participating in immune-enhancing activities; sleeping better and using herbs, supplements, meditation, detoxification techniques can produce powerful results. It's easier than you think!

The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents "Natural Solutions for Breast Cancer" with our special guest Christine Horner, M.D., nationally known surgeon, author, and professional speaker.

"Thank you all for these programs. Bless your heart! - Love and Peace, Marisa"

Former American Cancer Society doctor admits to being brainwashed

For over 10 years, Dr. Christine Horner worked with the American Cancer Society. In fact, she was taught to tell patients "we don't know what causes breast cancer, we don't have any known cure for it, so the best thing women can do is get mammograms and breast exams in an effort to catch it early and save lives". Does this previous statement trouble you - as much as it troubles me?

Since 1972, there's been a war on drugs with over $200 billion collected and the best thing conventional western medicine can say is "we don't know what causes breast cancer". I say it's time to fire every cancer researcher (sponsored by big pharma) and recruit more capable healthcare professionals. Stop wasting our money!

Sadly, Dr. Horner lost her mother to breast cancer while following conventional medical wisdom including mammograms. Needless to say, her world was rocked and became highly-motivated to find a better way of treating disease.

The NaturalNews Talk Hour begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Click this link -http://www.naturalhealth365.comand enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

What is wrong with the American diet and lifestyle

Epidemiological studies show that breast cancer rates are much higher in American women versus Asian women. Even when Asian women move to the United States - their risk goes up. In fact, according to scientific research, women that consume the most red meat create a 400 percent greater risk for getting breast cancer!

We need to dramatically improve the quality of our food choices and promote healthy living before it's too late!

This week's guest: Christine Horner, M.D., nationally known surgeon, author, and professional speaker.

Natural Solutions for Breast Cancer - Thu. Feb. 16

Christine Horner, M.D. is a board certified and nationally recognized surgeon, author, professional speaker and a relentless champion for women's health. She spearheaded legislation in the 1990s that made it mandatory that insurance companies pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy.

She is the author of Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr Christine Horner's Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer winner of the Independent Book Publishers Award 2006 for "Best Book in Health, Medicine, and Nutrition". Her book describes all the research-proven natural approaches - foods, herbs, spices, supplements, and activities - that dramatically lower the risk of breast cancer and help women who have this disease improve their chances of living a long healthy life.

Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/034985_breast_cancer_hoax_prevention.html#ixzz1mevmyW8q