vrijdag 30 maart 2012

music for the heart and soul: music with substance !

Here is some music that is real ...real lyrics, real creativity,and real issues! Enjoy !

more in the next music post ...Enjoy!

The cycle of stupid: How it is destroying humanity (and you)

Day in and day out the inhabitants of lonely planet earth kill, maim, conspire, steal, abuse, violate, destroy, poison, fight and, well, hurt each other's feelings. It is a wonder that we - a socially constrained pack of wild animals - survive. We may not survive in the long run. Some cold-minded scientists suggest the earth's population will be extinct in 1000 years and claim to have evidence to support it. All this is due to what my wife recently called thecycle of stupid.

This most vicious of all cycles actually has deep philosophical roots and causes most of the angst on the earth today. It happens when intelligent, sentient beings (people) act like they couldn't be denser if someone hit them over the head with a stupid stick.

How the cycle of stupid works

Caught in the throes of the cycle, people willingly invite into their lives things they hate, then proceed to get offended. All the while, these otherwise intelligent people have perfect proof of their own innocence and can easily justify wrongdoing to others, who are the obvious problem. It's maddening! It would be even more maddening if I never participated (I fit into the "basic cycle of stupid" below).

I have conveniently identified three levels of the cycle. The more advanced your level, the stupider you become, until at last there is no hope for you other than the hope that you will be destroyed by people less stupid than you.

The basic cycle of stupid (for couples, parents, families, co-workers and normal people who get hit with regular fits of stupidity)

• Screaming children are scolded by screaming parents. The screaming children react to the screaming parents by screaming some more, which inspires the screaming parents to scream louder, which inspires the children to scream, cry and hit each other.

• A spouse catches her spouse cheating, which motivates her to begin cheating.

• A mid-level manager catches poop from his boss becausehisboss caught poop from his boss, so the mid-level manager throws poop on his employees who go home and throw poop on their families, who then kick the family dog, who proceeds to poop on the rug.

Break for analysis:Each of the above individuals (except the dog) could have stopped the cycle of stupid at any time, in theory, by pausing for a moment and asking some questions.What is going on here, really? Do I really want to participate in this stupid cycle? What is the right thing to do, as a person? Are these people upon whom I am about to poop really less than I am? Would I want to be pooped on like I am about to poop on others? Does my being pooped on really justify what I am about to do? How must this other person be feeling? How must this other person see me right now?And so on.

Rarely do we do this, however, thus the power of the stupid stick. It is so much easier to blame others and mistreat them, using their bad behavior as justification. In return, we are blamed and soon everything but the kitchen sink is thrown into the cycle. Even though your life would much easier; even though you'd have more inner peace; even though you would enjoy astounding personal maturity and remain above the fray, you don't make that effort very often. Why not? Alas, as we will see in a moment, this is what the best minds on earth have been trying to figure out for thousands of years!

Let's move on to the advanced levels, where stupidity begins to get scary.

The advanced cycle of stupid (for corporate and political leaders whose stupidity advances into conspiracy)

• A politician obviously lies to voters, telling them all that he will do for them, the money and entitlements that will flow their way if they only vote for him. He wins and promptly does nothing he promised. Voters, blinded by their own greed for someone to pass on entitlements to them, chose to believe the lie and hold out hope that they will get something for nothing.

• A food conglomerate conspires with congress and the FDA, uses pseudoscience and knowingly introduces into the food supply a friendly sounding and convenient yet poisonous food that destroys the health of consumers and makes the conglomerate billions of dollars. Millions of not-totally-ignorant consumers willingly ingest this toxin because they are too lazy, cheap and self-indulgent to give up an ounce of convenience or go out of their way to find safer food to eat.

Break for analysis:At the advanced level, the cycle begins to tilt, with the majority of the wrongdoing perpetrated by those in power. These are they who, for their own gain, depend on the malaise of the masses to pull off their shenanigans. However, these folks could be stopped if only the masses were willing to wake up! The masses, however, are more comfortable living in the stupid shadow of stupid leaders than breaking free and figuring things out for themselves.

The sinister cycle of stupid (for world dominators whose stupidity metastasizes into unbridled evil)

• A treacherous government leader uses lies, propaganda, murder and genocide to obtain power so that he can fulfill his god-complex, while the unsuspecting masses sleep. By the time the masses wake up, so much power is taken, so much damage done, that only open war will put an end to bloodshed.

• Conglomerates of powerful families, banks, governments and behemoth corporations conspire to introduce measures that will thin populations, cause disease, collapse economies, initiate war and terror and wreak havoc among the population of the planet to gratify their own perverse sense of power and pleasure.

Break for analysis:These problems are so clandestine and terrifying that the sleeping masses have no idea they are happening. Among the few who do know, most do not have the cajones to take a stand.

What is the cycle of stupid?

In academic circles, the cycle of stupid is known as self-deception. Self-deception is such a tricky issue that philosophers since the time of ancient Greece have been trying to figure it out. There have been many bold attempts, but the problem with figuring out self-deception is that the one doing the figuring may be actively deceiving himself. In other words, the stupid stick is so powerful that even the smartest people in the world get clubbed into moronic oblivion. Who can figure out stupid while immersed in stupid?

Then, along came a humble Jewish philosopher named Martin Buber (1878-1965) who showed up the Greeks by suggesting that the cycle of stupid is not a matter of intelligence, but a matter ofmorals. Ah...now we can understand why smart people are capable of doing the stupidest things to ruin themselves and others. We can also explain why being smart doesn't necessarily mean that you aregood.

Buber said something amazing. We all stand in relation to each other asI-ThouorI-It. In other words, we are capable of seeing each other in respectful ways, honoring other people (I-Thou). Or, we may see each other in disrespectful ways, as objects (I-It). This one distinction opened the door to understanding, at last, the cycle of stupid.

The way out

Even if you are on the "winning" side of the cycle of stupid, you are still stupid. If you are invested in seeing your fellow humans as less than - as objects for your gratification one way or another - you are stupid. Why? Because you are missing the obvious truth, that the people you abuse are people just like you and deserve your respect if for no other reason than their personhood (at the level of the basic cycle of stupid. Beyond that, all bets are off, in my book).

To exit this destructive cycle and begin acting like you have a brain in your head and feelings in your body, you and I need to begin to see others and ourselves differently. You (and I) need to take others' point of view - as people - into consideration. This doesn't come so easily when the other person is acting stupidly, granted. Nevertheless, it is necessary to stop the cycle.

If I am not willing to stop the cycle in my family, who am I to blame? My wife? (Yes, honey, I am allowed to be stupid, but you must be ever-smart and good in spite of me.) If you are not willing to stop the cycle among the people in your life, who then?

Unfortunately, because stupid behavior so thoroughly encourages more stupid behavior, the cycle is incredibly difficult to stop. Yet, stop it we must. The obvious way to stop the cycle is also the most difficult, which is to recognize it. We tend to get so caught up in it that we no longer see the truth of what we are doing (self-deception). In fact, we often think the stupidest of behavior is the smartest, or at least the only option available.

A challenge to you:Notice how often you get caught in the cycle of stupid in the next few days. When you notice yourself arguing, criticizing, blaming or otherwise acting stupidly, pause for a moment and ask yourself if you really want to be doing so. There is your chance to say no to stupid! I'll be joining you.

Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035399_stupid_humanity_relationships.html#ixzz1qcKPa9Xp

donderdag 29 maart 2012

Human experience

we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience

New website for news and information : truth nation news network & soulsconverge.

truth nation news network is a news network from the youtube user joeyb613, news about earth changes economy and wars, it was a good source on youtube so I will ad this to the list of sites to watch...( http://www.youtube.com/user/JoeyB613 )

Site: http://truthnationnews.com/


Our mission is to provide healthy, vibrant spiritual elements, to better your body, mind and soul. We believe "you must be the change you wish to see in the world". Create yourself anew.

We seek to offer a wide variety of whole living...We are a strong spiritual family that lives to fulfill our purpose here and give back to our community, of souls. We have been following the signs and direction of the Universe as much as possible in our lives and it has led us here, to create "Souls Converge".

Our focus is on the complete mind, body, soul connection - how our environment affects our overall well-being and how our souls relate to one another. We pray that we may provide something of value to our fellow souls. If even one need is fulfilled by our work then we believe we have done our job. This endeavor is a work of great faith, love and compassion from the ONE. Our intention is for us to have the utmost gratitude for one another and provide whatever we are meant to in hopes of growing all of our spiritual paths.

dinsdag 27 maart 2012

Rumi qoute

“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.”

The essentials

Empires Then and Now

Great empires, such as the Roman and British, were extractive. The empires succeeded, because the value of the resources and wealth extracted from conquered lands exceeded the value of conquest and governance. The reason Rome did not extend its empire further east into Germany was not the military prowess of Germanic tribes but Rome’s calculation that the cost of conquest exceeded the value of extractable resources.

The Roman empire failed, because Romans exhausted manpower and resources in civil wars fighting amongst themselves for power. The British empire failed, because the British exhausted themselves fighting Germany in two world wars.

In his book, The Rule of Empires (2010), Timothy H. Parsons replaces the myth of the civilizing empire with the truth of the extractive empire. He describes the successes of the Romans, the Umayyad Caliphate, the Spanish in Peru, Napoleon in Italy, and the British in India and Kenya in extracting resources. To lower the cost of governing Kenya, the British instigated tribal consciousness and invented tribal customs that worked to British advantage.

Parsons does not examine the American empire, but in his introduction to the book he wonders whether America’s empire is really an empire as the Americans don’t seem to get any extractive benefits from it. After eight years of war and attempted occupation of Iraq, all Washington has for its efforts is several trillion dollars of additional debt and no Iraqi oil. After ten years of trillion dollar struggle against the Taliban in Afghanistan, Washington has nothing to show for it except possibly some part of the drug trade that can be used to fund covert CIA operations.

America’s wars are very expensive. Bush and Obama have doubled the national debt, and the American people have no benefits from it. No riches, no bread and circuses flow to Americans from Washington’s wars. So what is it all about?

The answer is that Washington’s empire extracts resources from the American people for the benefit of the few powerful interest groups that rule America. The military-security complex, Wall Street, agri-business and the Israel Lobby use the government to extract resources from Americans to serve their profits and power. The US Constitution has been extracted in the interests of the Security State, and Americans’ incomes have been redirected to the pockets of the 1 percent. That is how the American Empire functions.

The New Empire is different. It happens without achieving conquest. The American military did not conquer Iraq and has been forced out politically by the puppet government that Washington established. There is no victory in Afghanistan, and after a decade the American military does not control the country.

In the New Empire success at war no longer matters. The extraction takes place by being at war. Huge sums of American taxpayers’ money have flowed into the American armaments industries and huge amounts of power into Homeland Security. The American empire works by stripping Americans of wealth and liberty.

This is why the wars cannot end, or if one does end another starts. Remember when Obama came into office and was asked what the US mission was in Afghanistan? He replied that he did not know what the mission was and that the mission needed to be defined.

Obama never defined the mission. He renewed the Afghan war without telling us its purpose. Obama cannot tell Americans that the purpose of the war is to build the power and profit of the military/security complex at the expense of American citizens.

This truth doesn’t mean that the objects of American military aggression have escaped without cost. Large numbers of Muslims have been bombed and murdered and their economies and infrastructure ruined, but not in order to extract resources from them.

It is ironic that under the New Empire the citizens of the empire are extracted of their wealth and liberty in order to extract lives from the targeted foreign populations. Just like the bombed and murdered Muslims, the American people are victims of the American empire.


zondag 25 maart 2012


NOVA - Fractals Hunting the Hidden Dimension

NOVA - Fractals Hunting the Hidden Dimension: You may not know it, but fractals, like the air you breathe, are all around you. Their irregular, repeating shapes are found in cloud formations and tree limbs, in stalks of broccoli and craggy mountain ranges, even in the rhythm of the human heart. In this film, NOVA takes viewers on a fascinating quest with a group of maverick mathematicians determined to decipher the rules that govern fractal geometry. For centuries, fractal-like irregular shapes were considered beyond the boundaries of mathematical understanding. Now, mathematicians have finally begun mapping this uncharted territory. Their remarkable findings are deepening our understanding of nature and stimulating a new wave of scientific, medical, and artistic innovation stretching from the ecology of the rain forest to fashion design. The documentary highlights a host of filmmakers, fashion designers, physicians, and researchers who are using fractal geometry to innovate and inspire.

Why You Should Avoid Fast Food at All Costs

It is no secret that the average American diet is in completely in the slumps. Consuming packaged foods, fast food, artificially enhanced products, and especially low quality cheap food is the norm, but is it any wonder that being overweight while also falling victim to a host of illnesses is also the norm. Being raised in this era of poor health makes it difficult to know what is truly healthy and unhealthy. Food has drastically changed since decades ago, and so parents often aren't aware of the severe decline in food quality. Fast food in particular is one of the primary reasons for the drastic health decline seen today.

If you haven't already, take a couple of hours to watch the documentaries Super Size Me or Fast Food Nation. After watching these films, you can see first hand how fast food causes severe damage to your body - even if you don't consume it for every meal of every day like in one of the films. Fast food is nothing but a concoction of harmful and health-damaging chemicals which can easily be understood if you were to think for a moment how any restaurant could offer a double cheeseburger for only $1.

Most recently it was uncovered that these $1 cheeseburgers, along with the rest of McDonald's' beef and chicken, were actually harnessing'pink slime' scrap meat covered with ammonium hydroxide.

Not only does this fake meat provide no nutritional value at all, but it is chemically contaminated from ammonia, the toxic cleaning agent found under the sink. The meat is actually fat trimmings and connective tissue that are separated from the bone - scrap meat that is not fit for human consumption. The ammonia treatment is in response to the danger of contamination from salmonella or E. coli, but the scrap meats themselves are more likely to contain pathogens. Despite the chemical treatment, the meat is still in the line of fire for contamination.

Additionally, McDonald's McNuggets contain 7 different ingredients making up the 'meat', many of which contain sub-ingredients. Instead of using real meat, the ingredient list utilizes sodium phosphate, safflower oil, wheat starch, dextrose, and autolyzed yeast extract - a particularly dangerous substance very similar to the toxic MSG. Along side with these ingredients comes the use of dimethylpolysiloxane, a silicon substance used as an anti-foaming agent and often found in breast implants and silly putty.

Of course the use of these ingredients is not limited only to McDonald's. In fact, all of the fast food restaurants are guilty of using them. The worst part? They are aware of the destructive nature behind these ingredients, but truly couldn't care any less. The truth behind such a statement can be exemplified by Taco Bell's attempt to create a drive-thru diet where individuals would supposed to lose weight by eating fast food. It was only a few years ago when Taco Bell announced the "Drive-Thru Diet", where they showcased their foods low in fat. But what they don't tell you is that even if their food has 9 grams of fat, it is still made up of numerous ingredients contributing to the global health decline.

While the reasons for the influx of fast food consumption are many, one primary one is the usage of psychological advertising. Being one of the most powerful tools to reach both the conscious and subconscious, advertising plays a huge role in how society is ran today, and that includes which foods we eat. What's more, children are much more influenced by what they see and hear, and research proves it. A study conduced late in 2011 showed that 71 percent of children will choose junk food like french fries over apple slices when given coupons for each of them. The number dropped only to 55 percent when parents encouraged children to choose the apple slices. But the desired reach does not stop at direct advertising and influence.

A new children's educational book has recently been launched by the Council for Biotechnology Information, educating young children on the 'numerous benefits' of genetically modified food. Of course genetically modified food has time and time again been shown to cause human and environmental harm, but still the attempt to brainwash young children is carelessly made. The advertising for such food is also heavily tied in with fast food, as virtually all fast food is constructed with genetically modified food and ingredients.

Genetically Modified Food Serves Up a Host of Ills

Amid mounting evidence of the dangers genetically modified crops pose to humans, animals, our soils and biodiversity, the corporate-controlled U.S. government continues to ignore the dangers and actively promote GM crops.

Even worse are the increasing reports that scientists trying to study these dangers are having their government or corporate funding cut off. In some cases, they are even being prohibited by their universities from continued research because the universities fear losing corporate funding. And corporations with patents on GM crops are further hindering these same scientists by refusing them access to their seeds and crops.

But at least retired professor emeritus Don Huber of Purdue University has not been afraid to sound the alarm. A specialist in soil microbiology and plant pathology for more than 35 years, Huber has written and met with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to express his concerns about GM crops and ask for action to halt their spread and fund more research into the dangers.

It has been widely known for some time that genetic modification has so far failed to increase yields of any crop. Instead, GM crops designed to tolerate spraying of Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide have simply increased use of Roundup to the point that insects have developed resistance to it and the many superweeds that have appeared.

But Huber points out that the glyphosate moves out of plant roots into the soils where it kills beneficial soil organisms needed by plants to uptake critical minerals, resulting in less healthy and less nutritious plants and recently causing a considerable increase in plant diseases.

The resulting decline in beneficial soil organisms also allows harmful soil organisms to bloom, causing outbreaks of diseases such as toxic botulism. These harmful soil microorganisms were previously controlled by the beneficials.

In general, the increased use of glyphosate is destroying the proper balance of microorganisms in our soils and in animal and human guts.

Huber is very alarmed by the USDA's deregulation earlier this year of GM alfalfa and sugar beets. He warns that increased glyphosate use on these crops will destroy the soil organisms responsible for the nitrogen-fixing efficiency of alfalfa.

The increased use of glyphosate also leaves toxic residues in the plants that cannot be washed off. These kill beneficial intestinal microbes necessary for digestion. Also, these residues are powerful endocrine disrupters resulting in various reproductive disorders.

Comment: The following video contains an hour long interview with Dr But Huber describing in great detail exactly how 'Genetically Modified Food Serves Up a Host of Ills'

Crops designed to produce their own Bt, another powerful endocrine disrupter, are equally, if not even more, dangerous. Bt has recently been found in human breast milk.

Huber points out that there has been a considerable increase in human infertility since GM crops were introduced and this has been attributed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as glyphosate and Bt. He says human sperm counts in the U.S. are down by 50 percent compared to 20 years ago.

Now livestock veterinarians are becoming alarmed by very high rates of reproductive failure in cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and poultry. They have established that the cause is a heretofore unknown entity about the size of a small virus coming from GM soy and corn.

The whole idea that GM foods would be safe was based on outdated science. It is now known that the expression of a new gene will be accompanied by an unforeseeable range of collateral changes in other genes.

Furthermore, the sequence of the genes matters very much in determining how they express themselves or other genes. And genetic modification involves inserting the foreign gene randomly, out of a sequence that has evolved over millions of years. The consequences are unpredictable.

Since GM corn, soy and canola products and derivatives are so widespread in processed foods, the only way to protect your health, and especially that of your children, is to buy only processed foods labeled organic or at least GMO free. The same goes for meat, eggs and dairy products. Unless they are labeled organic or GMO free, the animals were fed GM feed. So far unprocessed fruits and vegetables are GMO free.

For more information, check out the websites of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the Organic Consumers Association.

About the author

What Do We Really Want? appears on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. Mary Boland is a retired teacher and journalist, a proud grandmother and a longtime resident of Carbondale. Follow her on twitter@grannyboland.

Nassim haramein & micheal tsarion

At the Nexus Conference in July 2010, physicist Nassim Haramein presented new concepts explaining how we are all interconnected and can access infinite knowledge.


Michael Tsarion gives a talk at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles, 2006.

2012 the mayan word & the elder brothers warning(kogi tribe )

2012 the mayan word

Everyone is talking about the Mayan Prophecies of 2012.
But who is listening to the Maya?

This groundbreaking documentary brings us the voices of the Mayan people as they share their perspectives on the prophecies of their ancestors and their fight to defend Mother Earth and their culture from destruction.

2012 The Mayan Word is both a message of hope and a call to action. Featuring testimonies from contemporary Mayans throughout Mesoamerica, from spiritual guides to activists, community leaders, farmers, artists, teachers, and children, this film is an extraordinary journey into the heart of Mayan struggle and spirituality.

the elder brothers warning(kogi tribe )

The Kogi are an indigenous people living in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains of northern Colombia, in South America.

They are the only civilisation to have survived the Spanish conquests and to have kept their individuality. They are perhaps the only indigenous people in the world who, because of the particular nature of their surroundings, have been able to keep themselves apart and sustain their culture inviolate. And not only that.

The one anthropologist who managed to study them in the 1940's and 50's concluded that though they are similar in some ways to the other Indian peoples around the Caribbean, northern Central America and south to the Andes, there are such profound differences that "in the end the Kogi stand alone".

They have survived to this day, keeping their traditions and relying upon, and looking after, the mountain environment. They believe it is their duty to look after the mountain which they call "The Heart of the World". They call themselves the Elder Brother and refer to the new- comers as the Younger Brother, who they believe is destroying the balance of the world.

In 1990 the Kogi decided they must speak out to the rest of the world. They had survived by keeping themselves isolated but they decided that it was time to send a message to the Younger Brother. They could see that something was wrong with their mountain, with the heart of the world. The snows had stopped falling and the rivers were not so full. If their mountain was ill then the whole world was in trouble.

I am (2011)

I AM, a prismatic and probing exploration of our world, what's wrong with it, and what we can do to make it better, represents Tom Shadyac's first foray into non-fiction following a career as one of Hollywood's leading comedy practitioners, with such successful titles as Ace Ventura, Liar Liar, and Bruce Almighty to his credit. I Am recounts what happened to the filmmaker after a cycling accident left him incapacitated, possibly for good. Though he ultimately recovered, he emerged a changed man. Disillusioned with life on the A-list, he sold his house, moved to a mobile home community, and decided to start life anew.

Armed with nothing but his innate curiosity and a camera crew, Shadyac embarks upon a journey to discover how he as an individual, and we as a race, can improve the way we live. Appearing on-screen as character, commentator, guide, and even, at times, guinea pig, Shadyac meets with a variety of thinkers and doers--remarkable men and women from the worlds of science, philosophy, and faith--including such luminaries as David Suzuki, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Lynne McTaggart, Ray Anderson, John Francis, Coleman Barks, and Marc Ian Barasch. An irrepressible Everyman who asks many questions but offers no easy answers, he takes the audience to places it has never been before, and presents even familiar phenomena in completely new and different ways.


I AM - The Documentary - Part 1 Of 3 [ Spirituality Videos ]

I AM - The Documentary - Part 2 Of 3 [ Spirituality Videos ]

I AM - The Documentary - Part 3 Of 3 [ Spirituality Videos ]

vrijdag 16 maart 2012

Questions your doctor should ask before putting your kid on ADHD meds

(NaturalNews) A woman came to see me years ago, very concerned because her 9-year-old her son, Bobby (name changed), was "severely disrespectful" in school. His teacher suggested that he was ADHD and asked the mother to please get it under control. Bobby routinely refused to follow
instructions, couldn't sit still or follow lesson plans, and would often get up to wander aimlessly around the classroom in the middle of a lecture.

Of course, the thoughtful teacher referred mom to a nice doctor with a reputation for hooking up frustrated parents with drug fixes for their kids. Parents who didn't mind turning over their child's brain to big pharma flocked to him.

Not Bobby's mom. In spite of being at her wits end, she came to me to discuss other interventions that might be made before resorting to drugs. Within a month, my new nine-year-old friend had made such dramatic improvements that his teacher called me to ask what I did. "It wasn't very complicated," I replied. "They figured out what was troubling Bobby and addressed it."

If a child is distracted, uncooperative, stressed, confused, hyperactive or otherwise troubled, then there is a reason for that. Something is wrong. It is entirely possible to find out what's going on and then address it. When you do, the problem goes away.

Bobby's mother left his father two years prior to my meeting them. Dad had always been good about visiting Bobby on weekends until recently. He had a new girlfriend and was favoring time with her over his son. Bobby was lucky if he saw his dad once a month.

Mom had recently picked up some extra work and was bringing it home at night. She needed themoney, but this new preoccupation stole time she usually spent with her son. Bobby was feeling more and more alone, but wasn't aware how stressed out he had become over all of this. His feelings manifested through his behaviors, which were getting worse every week. It didn't help that when Bobby acted out he was scolded and sent to his room for the night.

Do we need to go further than this? Do we need a medical diagnosis to enlighten us as to the problem here? Do we need drugs to solve this one? Of course not. In fact, giving the kid a label and shoveling drugs down his throat would be yet another way to overlook Bobby's needs.

Mom got it. Like any caring mother who wakes up to her child's overlooked needs, she put herself in a position to address them. Here is what she did:

• Set aside time every night to do homework and play a game with Bobby.

• Called her ex-husband and communicated what Bobby was going through, which woke dad up, too (somewhat).

• Met with Bobby's teacher to set classroom goals and send the message to Bobby that mom and teacher were working together.

• Spoke with Bobby regularly about his feelings, reminding him every day how much she loved him.

• Reduced her evening workload to what she could accomplish after Bobby went to bed.

And that solved the problem. Bobby relaxed significantly and began to cooperate and follow along in class and at home, although he was still a creative, high-energy kid. Do doctors understand or care about any of the real issues in a boy's life beyond which meds can properly hijack their brains? There was nothing wrong with Bobby's brain. He was troubled and for very good reasons. Once those troubles were addressed, his behavior improved.

Can youimagineif Bobby's mother had taken him to a doc who doled out some pills to solve this problem? Can you imagine simply sweeping this young boy's needs under a blanket of chemicals just to avoid dealing with reality?

Here are some examples of questions doctors should be asking parents before whipping out the prescription pad. If your doctor is too narrow minded to deal with these kinds of issues, then he or she (in my opinion) is the wrong doctor.

Is your child under any unusual stress that you know of?
Have you asked him what kinds of things are bothering him?
Does your child have any reason to stay distracted?
Is there excessive fighting in the family?
Has there been any trauma in his life?
How stable is family life in general?
How involved are you with your child?
How much time do you spend together?

Stress, trauma, conflict and other emotional issues deeply affect children. However, children often don't express their emotional problems verbally (neither do many adults for that matter). The emotional fallout manifests through behavior. If their behavior were talking to you, what would it say? How can you support your child in ways you haven't thought of (or haven't practiced in a while).

How calm are you when you discipline your child?
How calm are you when you communicate with him in general?
How well do you, mom or dad, manage your own mind?

Parents' emotional state has everything to do with their children's emotional state. It's simple. If mom and dad are stressed, kids are stressed. Count on it. And when you're screaming at your kid and telling him to calm down, it tends to backfire.

Is your child creative?
Does he get along with his teacher?
Is his teacher competent and interesting?

Smart, creative, high energy kids often find boring teachers boring! Imagine that. If your kid is creative or non-linear, you need to learn how to communicate with him. So does his teacher. These kids are work! If you can't keep up, it is a sign that you should increase your own energy rather than attempt to decrease your child's energy.

Does he eat a lot of sugar or chemicals?
How is his diet?

Nutrition is one huge factor in ADHD that I am less qualified to write about, but that doesn't excuse your doctor.

There are hundreds of questions a conscientious doctor might use to simply find out what is going on. Is this too much to ask? I can hear some people remarking that doctors aren't supposed to deal with these kinds of issues. This is the realm of counselors. Rubbish. If a doc is willing to put a child on drugs, he should be willing to learn who that child is.

Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035260_ADHD_medication_questions.html#ixzz1pIn7P8yQ

donderdag 15 maart 2012

The ultimate crime of conventional medicine

(NaturalNews) Why do people place ALL of their faith and trust in western medicine? Conventional doctors treat every chronic disease with a toxic chemical (drugs); learn little or nothing about disease prevention (nutrition) and kick patients out of their medical practice for merely questioning a treatment - like vaccinations. Something is wrong with this picture - don't you think?

It's a crime to suppress life-saving information

According to Thomas Gray (poet) - "ignorance is bliss". Well, when is comes to healthcare - it's simply NOT true and millions of people are waking up to a new reality. You CAN reverse cancer (naturally) without drugs or surgery; prevent heart attacks with diet and exercise (alone) and eliminate type 1 or 2 diabetes within days - without taking insulin shots!

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" - Thomas Edison

Don't allow you (or your loved ones) to become a death statistic of the "modern" sick-care system. Mammography can NOT prevent cancer, taking cholesterol-lowering medication (statins) does NOT prevent a heart attack and obesity will not be cured by stapling your stomach. But, if you live a healthy lifestyle, you can virtually eliminate the threat of disease your whole life.

What your doctor isn't telling you - could kill you

Ask yourself one important question: "What does my doctor ("teacher") have toofferme?" In other words, how was your physician medically-trained? If your doctor only knows about sickness - how can you ever feel great under his (or her) care?

At Quantum University, the world's largest institution of higher learning for integrative medicine, healthcare professionals are exposed to the new emerging science of quantum physics. Their "belief system" is a shinning example of what every medical student needs to know. (keep reading)

According to Quantum University:

We believe that the right to heal belongs to everyone who sincerely manifests and desire it.

We believe in the reality of the field and subspace as the optimal source of healing.

We believe in improving the health of communities by acting collectively on this subtle dimension.

We believe in a natural, non-invasive approach to restoring health, without side effects.

We believe that everyone should be educated on how to heal themselves and others.

We believe in promoting the practice of this healing art with competence, ethics, and compassion.

We believe in using a model of medicine based on the concepts of bio-terrain and subtle energies.

We believe that we can prevent disease and generate optimal health for all.

Join us for an amazing show with the founder of the Quantum University - as we reveal the power of self-healing within each and every one of us!