zondag 18 december 2011

Earthship: Sustainable living for a Sustainable future !

Here is something I found that is what I believe the future of living these selfsustainable houses are just amazing and this should be more out in the open
here is some information regarding The EarthShip house.
The Most Versatile and Economical building design in the world.
An Earthships are radically sustainable buildings made with recycled materials.
Earthships can be built in any part of the world, in any climate and still provide you with what you need to survive, with 'modern' amenities, if desired.

An Earthship is defined by the following 6 principles:
- Thermal/Solar Heating & Cooling
The outer few feet of the earth heats up and cools off in response to surface weather. However, deeper in the earth, about four feet and beyond, the temperature is more constant (around 58 degrees). Here, the earth can be used to both cool and stabilize temperature if the home is appropriately designed.
Earthships are thermal mass homes first, passive solar homes second. Therefore, the layout and design of the Earthship can be completely customized to look like any conventional home, and still be sustainable.
The "generic" earthship designs are what works the best, both in terms of economics and energy efficiency.
Because of the way Earthships interact with the sun and the earth, little to no fossil fuels are required to maintain a comfortable, stable temperature in any climate.

- Solar & Wind Electricity

Electrical energy is "harvested" from the sun and the wind. Photovoltaic panels convert the sun's energy into DC current electricity and is stored in "golf-cart" type batteries. An Earthship Power Organizing Module draws the electricity from the batteries, inverts some of it for AC electricity and supplies it to the home. The POM can accept electricity from a gasoline generator, intertie with the city energy grid, etc.

- Contained Sewage Treatment

We must become more aware of where our sewage goes.
Earthships contain, use and reuse all household sewage in indoor and outdoor treatment cells. This results in food production and landscaping with no pollution of aquifers.
Toilets flush with treated gray water that does not smell.

The Earthship sewage system differs from the wetlands approach in that it primarily treats the gray water inside the building and the sewage from the toilet outside of the building, both in smaller areas. Greywater is the used water after all receptacles except the toilet.

All household sewage is used & reused in the interior and exterior planters, called botanical cells.
Water is used to carry away our household sewage in a conventional way such as bathing, washing dishes, and for the toilet. The sewage-water, also called gray water, is used and cleaned for a second time in interior botanical cells. The flush toilet is the third use of the water. After the toilet, the water is contained and treated, and used a fourth time in exterior botanical cells.

- Built with Natural & Recycled Materials
An Earthship must make use of these materials via techniques available to the common person.
These materials and the techniques for using them must be accessible to the common person in terms of price and skill required to use them.
The less energy required to turn a found object into a usable building material the better. This concept is also called embodied-energy.

The Primary Building Block:
Rammed-Earth encased in Steel Belted Rubber:
The major structural building component of the Earthship is recycled automobile tires filled with compacted earth to form a rammed earth brick encased in steel belted rubber. This brick and the resulting bearing walls it forms is virtually indestructible.

Aluminum Cans and Glass/Plastic Bottles:
These 'little bricks' are a great, simple way to build interior, non-structural walls.
Aluminum can walls actually make very strong walls.
The 'little bricks' create a cement-matrix that is very strong and very easy to build. Bottle can create beautiful colored walls that light shines through.

- Water Harvesting
Earthships catch water on the roof, from the sky (rain & snow melt) and use it four times.
Water is heated from the sun, biodiesel and/or natural gas. Earthships can have city water as backup. Earthships do not pollute underground water aquifers.

Water is caught from a roof with a potable surface. From the roof, the water is channeled through silt catches into cisterns. Cisterns are sized to the local climate and are best buried and completely protected from the sun. The water from the cistern is gravity-fed into a Water Organizing Module with a pump and filter. The pump pushes the water into a pressure tank to supply code required water pressure. The filters clean the water for consumption and cleaning.

-Food Production
A fundamental concept of Earthships is that gray water from the sink or tub is recyled and purified by feeding into an indoor planter before being used to flush the toilet.
This creates an environment in which plants are not only asthetic and contributing to the heath of our environment, but are also highly functional and play a direct role in the maintenance of the home.
Having plants that produce food within this environment makes sense and takes sustainable and independent living to another level.

An Earthship is a building that will take care of you, while still being sustainable, affordable, and strong.
Earthships provide security in economically unsecure times.
Earthships cost about the same as a conventional home, but a conventional home does not come with all the electricity and water you will use. A conventional home is bad for the planet, is not strong and uses materials that require a lot of fossil fuels to manufacture and get to your building site.

These idea's should through the use of biotecture (Biotecture - is the design of multi-purpose plant shelters for human occupation with integral conservation and energy generation capacity.) and also through the use of urbiotecture (Urbiotecture - is the process of creating a living layer of vegetation on the outer walls of houses, buildings and sheds, or the use of a layer of vegetation in place of walls of conventional, inert building materials. It has been practised in modern times in alternative communities in Europe, where it has a long history.)be more explored and used all over the world to house everybody in a selfsustainable way and these kind of projects are not even new, they have been around for so long but the soceity as it is left it largely undiscoverd.

but things are changing and with this freedom of information maybe we will be able to spread ideas like these to better all of life because it is possible we just need to be aware and push forth the development of sustainable living !

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