maandag 23 november 2009

Free your mind

How can a healty mind live in the society full of lies and deseption, doesn’t the mind then also needs to lie and deceive to fit in, with honesty nowhere to be found, isn’t the the mind fouling itself to believe the lies are the truth? so the mind is held prison like a fish in a aquarium , if it has never heard the truth?

I myself don’t know because I was also born with pink sunglasses like the rest of humanity thinking live is al good if the supermarket is still open and I can get my food, but those sunglasses took away most of the suffering there was in the world the sunglasses where made of bended truths (lies?)

our vision is blurred by the fact that everything we see and hear and feel is assumed normal, we see asfaltroads, we eat banana’s ,we have the warmth of a safe home, all normal! Not truth, everything we think is normal is far from that because everything that brought us comfort also brought suffering to all life.

With being ignorant of the truth we destroy the source of all that is alive, whether it is nature ,animals or other beeings , but we are all raised to be competitive and to exceed above all that has been before ,to get money and power and to better then all and exceed above all!

Because we are all competitive we loose track of our surroundings narrowing our view to a like tunnel syndrome view with will only see you and how you evolve whill our surrounding suffers!

People foul themselfs without knowing it because they where born ignorant of the suffering that is there, therefor it is hard for most to believe the truth. My thoughts also surpress things that I know are wrong but I still like to do because if I don’t fool my self I properly not eat well any more for example, but I am trying to adept to the truth as it little by little uncovers.

Everybody build there hopes on our pink(?) coloured past and believe that will go the way it went for the last couple of centuries while change can happen anytime, we should be more carefull with our future.

We should look around and see the things that keep us alive, our source of life and put all our effort in protecting our source and instead of trying to be in control of the intire thing. If we would put effort in the preserving (possible growing) of our surroundings for the better, we as humanity would not bite ourselfs in the tail(we are probably almost finishing the legs)

If protecting and evolving (the planet and everything on it!) would be the goal instead of power and greed than maybe we will see a nice world without the glasses, where your mind gets born in the sea of a beautifull truth!

I hope to see that one that my mind can be free!

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